Concurrently facing a cyclical shock in decreased spending with a structural shift in media consumption patterns to new technologies
Trying to protect strong brands, hamstrung with print driven culture, slowing their response to deliver relevant, timely and profitable content on new media. All seeking to deliver more at less expense and time.
Our approach is a two-step answer to a two-set problem:
Not enough revenue to fund new ventures.
Streamline production across media to lower costs and increase profit.
No significant new revenue streams yet in new media
Deploy low cost methods for new media presence in mobile, social web, online, print with new revenue models including premium content and commerce partnerships in embedded applications.
Integrated Media Production comes from integrated Media Systems.
These systems consist of:
that leverages global sourcing to both cost and time advantage. Production Services combine the strengths of local US based technical and customer service expertise with the scale of virtual resource overseas that can produce print, web and mobile files all with equal skill.
that will deliver for print, web and emerging platforms. Our approach delivers secure dynamic content with custom feature development capabilities to adapt to new media outlets, use your system or ours.
which support rendered and interactive functionalities. We offer a native application environment toolset for Android, Apple iOS, and HTML5
Have a project in mind? We're here to help!